Learn how to get your agency growing again, transform your profit levels, and revive your motivation and love for the business too!
How to work LESS and EARN more from your Agency business and Get your LIFE back 
Learn the 5 key forMulas to GROWING your business again by generating MORE leads making more PROFIT from every deal, and build an A-player TEAM whilst reducing workload & COSTS 
Lead Generation - Every Agent is Leaflet Dropping, Void lettering vacant properties and Cold Calling. 

Businesses now need to embrace ONLINE, digital and automated LEAD generation, this will 10x or even 100x the amount of leads you have to work with into your business and remove the STARVATION mode most business find themselves in wondering where the next lead is coming from.
Systemisation - The Extreme levels of complexity of any agency business, means that there needs to be a system for EVERYTHING, and someone to follow every system. 

So that business owners remove themselves from the day to day and focus on GROWTH - because thats when the magic happens and you can flex your entrepreneurial muscles.
Strategy - The industry has been very copycat, and it's hard to get NEW ideas about how to grow and change… 

It's important therefore to look at what OTHER businesses, other industries and other countries are doing to operate, grow and reduce costs, this requires the business owner to be investing TIME in research and explorations of strategy.
Numbers - The first way to improve is to KNOW your numbers, and many agents have not broken down how much EVERY element of their business costs, what they need to charge to cover liability, profit and costs.

Then you can work on conversions, additional services and expansion too. To do so before this exercise is just growing the problem!
Team - ANY good business is only as good as the TEAM that work within it, and agents need to expect the best, but to do that requires accountability, expectations and training to all be clear and in line with the future plans of the business, therefore a modern fully engaged strategy is required to get 100% of your team on board (and if they are not... get them out) 
The SOONER you attend, the SOONER you will have the business you have always wanted...
Sally Lawson
The Agent Rainmaker
Why Do I DO THIS...
I have been an agent for over 30 years, but it's when I was president of ARLA, travelling the country talking to agents that I realised, that there was a common problem amongst agents…
They were ALL working to hard (killing themselves) not earning enough and falling OUT of love with their businesses…

This had to change.
Yet the reasons WHY were the same within every business I looked at… 
Lack of LEADS, not enough INCOME, TOO much complexity in the business, too much WORK for the income, no TIME to look at strategy for GROWTH and TEAMS in disarray everywhere…
The Result?

Slow or zero growth, business owners feeling TRAPPED, TEAMS feeling confused and lost and businesses that had just lost there way completely. 
Yet I could see where they were going wrong, and EVERY SINGLE AGENT was making these key 5 mistakes! 
AND the agent community was NOT talking to each other… For fear of competitors STEALING their ideas…

This was crazy...
I set about changing that and helping agents literally TRANSFORM the way they operated to optimise their income, reduce complexity, reduce their overheads, engage their teams, focus on business growth and strategy and LOVE their business again!
6 BIG REASONS we as agents are struggling...
Lack of PROFIT - With the Rise in competition, the Tenant Fee Ban, an ever increasing level of complexity and compliance the profit margins of letting agents around the UK have been squeezed over the last decade, resulting in many not making a profit at all of working on very low margins such as 10% profit margin.
Lack of TIME - Managing the expectations of our customers, the requirements of the government to stay complaint and also with our staff, fining time to focus ON our business and take time to focus on us and whats important never seems possible, with many feeling TRAPPED by their business almost like being on a hamster wheel .
Too much COMPLEXITY - Every year our industry gets more complex, as there are more and more layers of legislation, more rules and more to do, this results in the business owner having to create more systems, do more staff trainings or worse case scenario, taking on many tasks themselves resulting again in lack of focus on growing the business or achieve WHAT they set up in business for in the first-place.
Overwhelming LIABILITY - So many more pieces of legislation mean more liability for the business owner and their teams, needing more layers of red tape, processes, checklists and ways to stay on top, it sometimes feels like you need eyes in the back of your head to check everything
Lack of property STOCK - The landlord market has reduced in size due to increased taxation, and this is being shared by ever increasing levels of competitors in any town, its difficult to generate the leads and WIN the business against competitors prepared to rent properties for very little fee income 
Too may Landlords choosing to go Let Only rather than Fully Managed - over the last 10 years, there has been a shift and many landlords are choosing to self manage, this is due to the internet and readily available information, and resulting in reducing managed stock for agents 
As an agency Business owner, the world has changed so much in the last few years, the online agency attack, the Tenant Fee Ban, Clause 24 (damaging our clients) and Corona, if ever there was a now, its NOW - Its survival of the fittest, and with ROPA coming in soon, TIME, TEAMS and PROFIT will become more important than EVER 
What will you LEARN on Bootcamp...
  • You will learn how to generate 10 x (and in many cases 100x) more brand new fresh leads, and how to CONVERT them into real paying customers (and automate it) an create the MACHINE to facilitate that (reduce workload again) 
  • You will learn how to use the COMPLEXITY of agency to your advantage and systemise, structure and win business as a result but more importantly GET YOUR TIME BACK 
  • You will learn the TOP mechanisms for OPTIMUM GROWTH right now, high level strategies that can (and have for many AR Superstars) DOUBLED or TREBLED their managed portfolios for little or ZERO costs (this is phenomenal) but also how o see a whole RAFT of opportunities for growth to choose from (this is where it gets exciting)  
  • You will get to know EVERY SINGLE one of the hundreds of numbers that make your business generate what it generates now, so that you will be able to see EXACTLY which numbers are STOPPING you from either growing, making profit or steeling your time… so that you can change that... we have NEVER met ANY agent, that isn't leaking money, time or profit somewhere
  • You will learn once and for all how to get YOUR team, doing EXACTLY what you want them to do and how to make them ACCOUNTABLE for achieving what the business needs them to achieve, plus how to implement a coaching and training plan, that works WITHIN your business and wont cost you ANYTHING - that means you will have a fully functioning A playing team
  • You will learn the secrets, strategies and actions that literally hundreds of agents have used to add hundreds of thousands to their business revenue and profit…
Our delegates success speaks for itself…
Tom Soane has now become the business owner he always knew he could be... his business is now a £1,000,000 operation.
Craig Phillips has surpassed the £500,000 mark and received his award on stage at ARX Mastery 2021
Patrick Sullivan went from 300 properties under management to over 1000!
Heather & Martin have taken our strategies and fully embraced reducing workload and increasing costs - resulting in a staggering 61.6% profit margin!
Sat & Kam have surpassed £1,300,000 additional revenue and still continue to GROW!
Paul Tobias-Gibbins has increased his revenue by over £240,000! 
We have been running this 4 day bootcamp since 2016 and since then we have had literally hundreds of agents, go on to generate over 100k additional revenue, many achieve over 250k, some over 500k and 3 over £1,000,000 and one over £2,000,000… this is NOT like any other event (more examples below) and why we are confident to offer our no bullshit guarantee!
The 5 BIG challenges Agents Face 
Lead generation 
Every Agent is Leaflet Dropping Void lettering vacant properties and Cold Calling- business now need to embrace ONLINE, digital and automated LEAD generation, this will 10x or even 100x the amount of leads you have to work with into your business and remove the STARVATION mode most business find themselves in wondering where the next lead is coming from 
The Extreme levels of complexity of any agency business, means that there needs to be a system for EVERYTHING, and someone to follow every system- So that business owners remove themselves from the day to day and focus on GROWTH- because thats when the magic happens and you can flex your entrepreneurial muscles. 
The industry has been very copycat, and its hard to get NEW ideas about how to grow and change… its important therefore to look at what OTHER businesses, other industries and other countries are doing to operate, grow and reduce costs, this requires the business owner to be investing TIME in research and explorations of strategy
The first way to improve is to KNOW your numbers, and many agents have not broken down how much EVERY element of their business costs, what they need to charge to cover liability, profit and costs- then you can work on conversions, additional services and expansion too. to do so before this exercise is just growing the problem 
ANY good business is only as good as the TEAM that work within it, and agents need to expect the best, but to do that requires accountability, expectations and training to all be clear and in line with the future plans of the business, therefore a modern fully engaged strategy is required to get 100% of your team on board (and if they are not- get them out) 
The 3 REASONS agents Need to CHANGE
Reason 1

The way Agency businesses are operating in the main across the country has not changed for over 2 decades, we may have a few new bits of software, but in the main, we still offer Lettings and Management, do NOT offer additional services and all offer a FREE Valuation to tease in clients, that means we do NOT stand out and the customer therefore tries to choose based on price, that means the WAY we do things NEEDS to change, in order to differentiate and GROW our business and ultimately our Industry 
Reason 2

Many believe that they CANNOT change their businesses because this is the way we have always done it, this is the way our competitors do it, and therefore the MARKET will not accept a different way… if that were the case, Dyson would not have succeeded, neither would Henry Ford with the Car or Purple Bricks for that matter... its time for change 
Reason 3

Change is hard, and making changes especially when you have a team and are horrendously busy is even harder, but in truth, its just a mindset, we have worked with 1 man bands, teams of 5 and multi branch empires, and on every single case, if the business owner BELIEVES that change is needed and warranted, then they get the changes done and see massive results, if they dont, then they dont... its therefore your choice, is your mind open to change or fixed shut... 
Why do this NOW?
As an agency Business owner, the world has changed so much in the last few years, the online agency attack, the Tenant Fee Ban, Clause 24 (damaging our clients) and Corona, if ever there was a now, its NOW - Its survival of the fittest, and with ROPA coming in soon, TIME, TEAMS and PROFIT will become more important than EVER 
If you have been on the Bootcamp before, come again, the content is constantly changed and NEW strategies shared… Plus NEW friends to make!
Who IS this for?
If you are struggling to find TIME in your business, and desperately want to get your business to a manageable level, then this workshop will change that for you 
If you feel like no matter what you do, you NEVER make enough money, then this is definitely the event for you as we have yet to find ANYONE we couldn’t help make more money from running a lettings agency 
If you are tired of not growing and being stuck in the tools, then this event will help you see the opportunities, which will motivate you to systemise the back end as well as to get your team accountable - NO BUSINESS ever grows when the boss is stuck on the phones or on the tools 
What do I get?
4 Days COACHING with over 16 strategies for GROWTH, LEAD generation, Income increasing, sales conversion, staff management and complexity reducing topics 
You will walk away with a step by step PLAN and a TO DO list on how to GROW your agency, INCREASE Revenue and pile up profit, in a way you never thought possible (and you will meet lots of new friends too) 
Bootcamp Folder packed, with guides, templates, checklists, tools, booklets operations manual and process sheets, plus transcripts and how to step by step guides (worth £3997) 
WHat some of our past rainmakers have said about bootcamp
Want to Attend A Bootcamp?
Enter your contact information, and a member of my team will reach out to you!
Get a ticket to the highly praised 3 day Funnel Coaching Workshop ran quarterly… this workshop 3 day will take you STEP by STEP through the process of building funnels, with Sallys entire team walking you through every step, with the goal of getting your FIRST funnel LIVE in the room before you leave! 

Value £3997+vat (but included with each Bootcamp purchase) for a limited time only 
Frequently Asked Questions...
Why This Training and not others?
You may have tried coaching and training before, and left with a raft of to-dos, legislations and reminders of things you should be doing… THIS is different, this is all BRAND NEW stuff, NOT regurgitated industry waffle, we seek the BEST from all the worlds TOP companies and run trials in our Inner Circle members offices to test and apply to agency, so that YOU can be sure these techniques work, because we only teach them AFTER we have PROVEN them and we will share with you LIVE examples of the successes in real agencies too, there really is nothing quite like it anywhere
Is it Hard or fairly LOW level?
Our Bootcamp is hard work, 4 solid days working ON your business, but it is also MIND opening, you will see so many opportunities, you will leave EXCITED, but with a PLAN on what to do when and how… But it is also FUN, the room with come together and support each other and you will all leave like friends 
Will I get implementable stuff or just ideas?
When we teach, we TEACH, we give you the system, the know how, the step by step along with results gained so far, examples and case studies, so you are in no way wondering if, what or how… we ALSO give you a HUGE folder, with checklists, worksheets, examples, transcripts, booklets, guides, manuals and much more... so you really are given the complete KIT to make your business a success, and that we believe is why we have had such amazing results from this bootcamp
Is it a bit erm hyper?
If you mean do we have fun, play loud music and do some silly things, we do a bit I guess, but its all designed to bring the room together, break down barriers and open our minds ready to accept and be ready for the changes we need to make… and we have not met anyone who doesn't like it yet
What if I cant see a way to GROW as a result of the training?
We have an Agent Rainmaker Philosophy and we cannot make you 10x what any of our courses cost you, we will NOT sell you the course, so if you cannot see how you can grow you agency as a result of Bootcamp, and you tell us this at the event, you can have a full refund 
It’s a lot of money, should I spend that?
You’re a business owner, your whole philosophy and mindset is around investing to make money, We have yet to find ANY agent that we cannot add 100k in revenue too, so its your choice, but if £5k (with a full money back guarantee) can make you £100k, then why wouldn't you?
Is it TAX deductible?
this is training, and therefore everything, even the travel and accommodation is fully tax deductible so the government is helping you pay for it 
Is it classed as CPD?
With most organisations yes this is industry coaching and FULLY classed as CPD learning time 
Do I have to attend all 4 days?
YES - or else you will not get the full benefit, and trust me once you get there you will not want to leave 
Can I send my staff?
If they are branch managers then maybe, but be careful of that very knowledgeable information walking out of your door. So we generally recommend the business owners attend 
Contact us: team@agentrainmaker.co.uk
Call us: 01902 420762 
Property Agents Circle Ltd
Company Number: 07110051
VAT Registration: 998 8734 23
Company Registered Address: Unit 7 Newton Court, Pendeford Business Park, Wolverhampton, WV9 5HB